Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Smoking in Public Places Should be Banned

Smoking is one of our habits that has some bad effects. Smoking causes cancer, pregnancy's difficulties, breathe's problems, heart diseases, etc. There are some elements which involve in cigarette can cause them especially nicotine and tar. Not only cause so many diseases, but also they can make addiction so that people who smoke can't stop their habit right away. It needs a long time for them to reduce or stop smoking.
When people smoke, they will suck carbon dioxide as the result of ignition. As we know, the hemoglobin in the blood are easier to catch carbon dioxide than catch oxygen. It means people can be poisoned by carbon dioxide. People who don't smoke also have bigger chance to get the effects. Why? Because they will suck carbon dioxide immediately when they get along with the smokers. That's why we said that the passive smoker have bigger oportunities than the active smokers.
Based on the statement, people who smoke can't smoke freely in every place otherwise they will poison the passive smokers